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Friday, December 31, 2004
:: a great lesson for me ::

this incident happened to me early last yr, after an outing with my frenz ard PS till 12+pm, i stood at the bus stop waiting for my bus. as i waited, an old woman approached me for some money for her to get home. i looked at her closely and noticed dat she wore the same clothing that my deceased grandmother likes to wear, when she goes out. she was pretty well-dressed with a very nice looking handbag. she totally dun look like the type dat would have no money to get home nor the normal type dat u would ever see asking ard for money. without much hesitation, i reached for my pocket and found dat i only for 50 cents left, coz i spend them on an expensive buffet earlier. i apologised to her and handed her all the money i got. knowing dat it's not enough money, i asked her to try her luck on other ppl.

as i was waiting for my bus, i was thinking dat maybe i should go to withdraw some money instead. right at this moment, my bus came and i was sure dat it should be the last bus. my mind was fighting with itself, even more then. in the end, i chose not to take it.

i searched for the old woman ard the area and found her sitting at the steps outside the mrt station, holding on to the 50 cents dat i gave her. i spoke to her, asking why she did not want to trying asking around for more money. she smiled at me very sweetly but it hides some traces of sadness from within, it was one of those smiles dat really warmed my heart very much. the 1st thing she said was, "u r a gd boy"(some of u must be thinking dat her eyes kenna stamp rite.. :P).

then she told me dat she have been asking ard for money for an hr plus already, none of the ppl actually bothers abt her, except me. the likely reason i could think of was, she was too well-dressed. she was very touched dat i would forked out up my last cent to help her and reminded her of her late husband. both of them been thru thick and thin together, very often to the last cent in their pockets in the past. she kept going on and on with red watery eyes, while i silently paying my attention on her. for me, she reminded me of my deceased grandmother. my grandmother would tell me alot of stories when she was alive and i could almost recollect back the same feeling from this old woman.

then she finally stop and gave me a chance to ask why she was alone in here and where are her family. immediately, tears were seen in her eyes. oh no...i must have hit on her soft spot again, i dun like to see old woman cries...i felt suffering blooming inside of me, suffocating my senses. i gently stroked her back a few times, as i thought dat's the best thing i could do.

after a while, she told me dat she was supposed to have a family outing just now but said some wrong things to her son and daughter-in-law, so they went home without her. i also found out dat her children knew dat she got no money with her at all. my head looked down on the floor and gave a deep sigh.

at first, she sat at this spot, hoping dat they would come and fetch her back. however, her hopes became nothing but a wish. so she tried asking for money and all she got was just 50 cents. in the end, she gave up hope and wanted to try wait for her unfilial children again.

i felt sorry for her and went to withdraw $30 for her to take a cab home. apart from dat, i even gave her my contact no.. in case, she needs my help again. after i ensured dat she got on a cab and left, i slowly walked home dat took me almost 1+ hrs. dat night, i couldnt sleep at all and kept my hp next to me. i chose not to sleep was becoz i know my hp can never wake me up, once i dozes off. also, alot of thoughts came into my mind.

some of my thoughts were no matter wat unhappy things dat happened between us and family/frenz, we are still family/frenz. ppl do wrong things to urs, but we dun have to do foolish things in return too. instead, we should let them know wat they did was wrong and correct their mistake with them. maybe one day, when we do foolish things, some kind souls will be dere to correct our mistakes with me too.

"in order to be appreciated by others, we have to appreciate others too."
"wat u dun wish to be done to urself, then u better dun do it to others."
"ppl who really needs help, does not always have to be poor, poorly dress, seriously sick, handicapped or staying in some homes."
"to truely help a person, first we have to reach for their hearts."
"this world may be cold, but our hearts must not be too."
"if u fear to be cheated by others, then u will never be able to help others at all and it's harder for others to reach to ur heart."
"the more u use ur heart, the harder u will lose it in future."

since dat day, i have not received any news from her at all again. sometimes, when i see alonely old woman in public, she will pop into my mind, wondering how is she. this is one of the greatest deeds i have done so far...i only gave abit but got more valuable thoughts in return...

+ BL updated @ 1:53 AM


on 2nd-5th july 2003, i made a grp of fun loving frenz. we are called ragnaroc...my very 1st grp of frenz dat i made in nus...during this camp, we had fun, sufferings(mj & not enough sleep) and worked together as a whole, to survive thru this period of 4 days and 3 nights. even going thru other orientation programs offered by other clubs in nus, the other frenz dat i made, are not as strong as our grp. today, we went out for a new yr eves eve outing for the second time. it really brings back the feelings of weekly outings we used to have when we are in yr 1. yes...we would meet up in nus area for a simple meal once per week. however, comes yr2...all of us are so busy dat we hardly even have a mass gathering once. for a period of time, i really thought dat is the end of our grp. also, many of us dun even bother to check our yahoo grp as often as before and did not post any msgs at all too. i really kinda missed the days where we would go in dere and make some noise everyday; complaining abt school work, sharing some funny sites, suaning some of them, trying to post a msg on a certain significant msg no. etc.

finally after 6months and 10days from my birthday, i received my birthday card from ragnaroc. this yr, i didnt receive any birthday cards at all...all my frenz juz send me emails, sms or presents to wish me happy birthday. therefore, they are the only group dat sent me a card...as i opened it out and going thru wat they wrote, my heart actually softens with my vision starting to turn foggy... i was touched... by all the comments they made...so nice and sweet dat it hurts... this yr is not really meant well for me actually, quite a couple of depressing events took place ard me; received the news of 2 close old fren passed away, found out a secret dat for kept from me for a long time, unintentionally got someone into trouble dat may ruin his future, my parents' health conditions are getting bad, bird flu dat affected my dad's biz, failed to obtain gd results, many things dat i aimed for didnt come true, nicoll highway, the tsunami etc. now i could only hope year 2005 would be a better year for me and able to solve all the problems dat i created...playing my part as a gd son and student...keep to all the promises dat i made to myself...do more gd deeds as possible...improve on my character...broaden my knowledge...

+ BL updated @ 1:02 AM


Thursday, December 30, 2004
:: Boasting my memory ::

for many times, i often amazed my frenz by the amount of jokes and tricks up in my mind. or even the details of some history events that happened so long ago, i can tell u wat shirt u wore and even roughly wat time is it. all these are possible, provided i vividly locked these information up in my mind. this was a skill dat i developed since 1996 when i was in secondary three. all thankz to a mega memory program dat i bought after begging my dad for it, coz it cost $300. this training package is quite american-friendly and becoz i lack their local knowledge, i stopped at lesson 3 of the whole package. only recently, i suddenly got an urge to continue this training coz again. i made the effort to the flea market and bought nice premitive walkman for $12, so dat i can listen to it in my hostel.

up till now, i have covered to lesson 4. for now, i hope to finish this coz of 16 by this week and clear the advance coz before school reopens. thru each lesson, they would introduce a list of items to remember and it is really amazing dat i could vividly store these lists in my mind only within 5 mins. wat impressed me most was, i can still remember wat was taught in lesson 1 and 2 after a period of 8 years without recalling them at all.

during these period of 8 yrs, i used the basic technique for my studies and work unconsciously, becoz i have nearly forgetten dat i went thru only 3 lessons of this coz. so lets see if my memory would improve better next time when we meet...

+ BL updated @ 5:27 AM


Wednesday, December 29, 2004
:: Luv In NUS No. 37 ::

Falling from the sky, comes the snow.
On the edge of the cliff, stands two luv souls.
Hugging you tightly, so you wun feel cold.
Warming your face, my warm breath blow.
Planting a kiss on your cheek, i see your smile grow.
Whispering into your ear, just for you to know.
Feeling from our hearts, our love blood flows.
Out comes the sunshine, as the snow patch glow.
Bonding our love together, as the snowflakes melts slow.
This is only a dream, it will only come and go.

- bryan lee, 29 dec 2004

+ BL updated @ 10:00 PM


recently, i am heavily involving myself to play an online game, maple story. it was very fun when i can get to play with my frenz, but rather addictive. i even went till the extend of having sleepless night trying to level up my hero, completing quests and get powerful weapons. within a period of 5 days, my hero is now level 27. i chose my hero as the class of warrior, so dat i can cover the short range weakness of my fren, dat is a bowman. holiday is the best time to indulge myself to all these interesting online games. also from the game, we can expose ourselves to a mytical world that only exist in the minds of ppl. rather than to blindly play this game, we can learn to appreciate the layout and plot crafted by the creators, and compare it with the other games dat we played b4. thru gaming, we have really seen how much games have improved, from the very simple black dots games to the fully coloured games, and from super nintendo set with blocky controllers to Xbox with stylish joysticks. behind each game, many ppl cannot see how much effort the programmer/s cracking their heads to design the programming code and pulling their hair to debug a code dat went wrong. then they have to play the game over and over again, to look for any possible runtime and logic errors. for those who have basic programming background, should be able to appreciate games better.
i know dat to some ppl, this game is quite childish but no matter how old we r, there will always exist a child in us. once in a while, we will let this child take over us to do childish things. i feel dat in life, we just do the things that we feel happy with and is right. never restrict ourselves by the opinions of others, as they dun know you as much as you know urself, provided you are clear with what you are doing and your stand.
however, this game will be just like a normal cycle in my life. once the interest is gone, all the effort i put in will only remind as my memories. for online games, i have tried other games like archmage, utopia, oil miner, neopets, vampire lord, gunbound and survival project so far. all these are just like passing phase of my life. once the interest diminished, i would not play it anymore and all i have will be memories. wat i foresee in future developement in games, there will not be any refreshing when we move from one location to another, everything will be delivered in a steamless flow. maybe, games will be able to understand the mood of the user too, they will become more like a frenz that just a machine to take in the button we press.
as wat i see so far, most online games have something in common. they fed on those with greed for more powers. onlines games are like placing a carrot infront of a donkey, so dat the donkey will move. so those who have lost urself to games are just like donkies and i'm one of them. while playing we may seem dat we are controling the game, but in actual fact, we are being controlled by it. also, some such games seems to cultivate ppl to gamble, so i feel dat it is not a gd thing to be taught to the young minds yet.
my suggestion is give it a try but do not lost urself to it. if u do, u must know when to pull urself out of this hole filled with temptations...

+ BL updated @ 5:45 AM


i held ur hand, with luv yesterday.
coldness is the only word, i could say.
all my purposes of life, lost their way.
losing its brightness, not even a single ray.
sunshine and rainbow, being blocked away.
all i see around, the entire world so grey.
joy and laughter, so busy today.
not even a visit, they would pay.
fear and doubts, shown in ur eyes.
my lonely heart, soften and cries.
pain and suffering, choking my throat.
in a lost world, my mindless soul float.
hopes and dreams, gone down the drain.
flushes away, by the strong endless rain.
minutes and seconds, stopped to move.
sadness and pain, grew all the way to the roof.
knowing it is ur heart, i cannot touch.
away from me, you slowly march.
never such an acute pain, i ever find.
along with my memories, this painful sight binds.

- bryan lee, 29 dec 2004

+ BL updated @ 2:17 AM


having u is the greatest moment in my life,
it's like...

a thirsty man drinking water in the hottest desert.
a miner digging out a large flawless diamond from a mine.
a wheelchair-bounded man is able to walk again without support.
a scientist discovering the perfect cure for terminal diseases.
a selfish man learning the value of sharing.
a caged bird flying out of its cage.
a childless couple adopting an child.
a poor man striking 1st place in lottery.
a runner breaking the world records.

"name", u are the best for me...

- bryan lee, 12 dec 2004

+ BL updated @ 1:33 AM


i wrote down the names, of those i think of during this month, in a book each time.
in the end, i only found "X"(the no. of characters of the person name) letters in my dictionary-thick book: "the person name"

- bryan lee, 28 dec 2004

+ BL updated @ 1:24 AM


Tuesday, December 28, 2004
:: Thoughts of the day ::

"one day, ur head will be hit by the things u left hanging in the air." - bryan lee, 28 dec 2004

very often, we would leave some unfinished work for the next day or later and many ppl should know already dat all these work will snowball together and flaten u one day. on the contrary, i feel dat they always dun come together as the same time. it is just dat when one of it "drop down" and hit our heads, this made us woke up from our senses and remembered of the amount of work we have left undone.

"we cannot really use any words and tattoo on that person body"

some will choose to wait for the right time for it to fall & catch it, some will choose to get rid of them asap, and some will choose to hit it drop, continue to sleep (bo chupz) and juz take the pain etc...be it any one option dat u choose, u have to make ur choice when the right time comes. also, no one in choose the same option for all types of work in this world all the times. this is the beauty of humans, we dun have fixed characteristics throughout our life entirely. we handle and speak our thoughts of what we feel right at that particular time. we can only describe a person based on his/her usual actions shown to others. eg...a person can be said hardworking, becoz he shows it out most of the time. when he is lazing ard, many ppl dun get to see it. hence, only he knows best or unaware yet. in short, humans are always changing. four simple words but how far and deep can you read its true meaning, it is up to our own individual capabilities and the conditions we are placed on.

+ BL updated @ 8:52 PM


Wednesday, December 22, 2004
:: Thoughts of the day ::

"Water can flow, also can crash. if u put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. if u put water into a teapot, it becomes a teapot. water is shapeless and formless, be water, my fren" - Bruce Lee

like many other things in this world, water can help to improve lifes but too much of it can bring more harm too, so just keep everything to moderation may be the best. water can be useful to generate energy at dams but can flood an entire city if there is no proper control. hence, control and understanding are also the key.

"Before learning how to use anything in this world, first we must learn how to control and understand its behavior." - bryan lee, 22nd Dec 2004

i feel dat Bruce Lee is partially right, we should be flexible at times and able to adapt to changes. on different situations, we need to resort to different measures. there is no one std way of doing things for all situations in this world. however, a situation may accept more than one method to resolve it. knowing the varies possible methods to deal with a situation is good on the long run, this challenges us to think more than the rest, able to compare and choose the best method. it also gives us a chance to head a step higher than the rest. however, it may consume more of our precious time too.

very often, we cant change the situation we are placed in, so the better way is to change ourselves, in order to perform better in the situation. only those who change to suit the situation best will excel, so how willing are u to accept change? i will leave it to u to decide...

wat i dont agree to this statement is water only flow down and never up, unless u use a pump. in chinese, we got another statement "ren wang gao chu pa, shui wang di chu liu". in english, it means dat humans are always trying strive high up, whereas water is always trying flowing down. also, in terms of human relationship management, you cant be formless and shapeless. or else, the team of ppl dat are working with will not have clear vision of the direction u are heading and hence, unable to put in enough trust into you. u cant expect all the ppl dat in the same team as you to be as flexible as you. instead you must put them in the ideal situation that they can perform, grow and excel. knowing their strengths and weaknesses is vital in this situation. i will leave this in another entry...

+ BL updated @ 10:32 PM


my life without u is like;
coffee without sugar, (it will be very bitter)
egg without yolk, (it can never hatch)
birds without wings, (cant fly around)
rainbow without colours, (cant be seen)
hydrocarbons without carbons, (cant be held together)
rockclimbing walls without grips, (not impossible to move up)
mechanic clock without hands, (will be lost in time)
christmas without santa, (the most important person is not around)
cars without wheels, (no longer useful or cant move ard)
bank without money, (cant be rich)
heart without beat, (no longer alive)
story without ending, (no longer complete)
- bryan lee, 22 Dec 2004

+ BL updated @ 2:56 AM


"One shouldn't not matter the amount of things s/he does, but the amount of value out of the things he does" - bryan Lee, 21 Dec 2004

i came out with this quote when my close fren of min told me abt the amount of things he does, and going thru it over and over again. so i thought of this quote to make him feel better (u better do a gd job and keep ur spirit high hor... and smile).

very often in life and very likely in work next time, we are required to do the same things many many times dat we lost the initial drive of doing it. so if u are lost and forgetten the purpose, try to remember the initial drive dat u used to have or think of the ppl dat are supporting u, and let these gain back ur motivation.

+ BL updated @ 1:05 AM


Tuesday, December 21, 2004
:: Thoughts of the day ::

"The fool has nothing to learn from the wise, but the wise has lots to learn from the fool" - Neopets Techo Master

+ BL updated @ 1:24 AM


Sunday, December 19, 2004
:: Thoughts of the day ::

"the rule of majority wins is not always the better opinion." - bryan lee, 19 dec 04

brought up in this society, we been always following the rule of majority wins, where the minority has to obey. however, sometimes the option supported by the majority ends up as a wrong choice and the minority will start rubbing upon their misfortune.

there was an incident dat took placed in australia back in 1980s, alot of teachers went on strike in a local school there. all except 1, she kept to her duties as a teacher becoz she dont want her students to be affected by this. overall, the students are innocent. soon appleasement measures were done and the strike was over. not long after the incident, she was promoted and doing quite well too. this teacher was the teacher of my secondary school teacher, whether it is true anot i am not sure. :P however, i learnt dat we have to stick to our own principles if we think it is right and the majority may make foolish decisions too.

another story dat i came across was a situational reaction test. u are standing along a railway track, where u see 2 groups of children playing on 2 different tracks dat are side by side with each other. a train is heading towards the track with 5 children, while 2 children are on the other track. the toggle to switch the train track is within ur reach and u have to no time to warn anyone, what is ur choice?

if u have decided to switch the gear, have u ever considered that the other track may not be in used already and u could have endangered the lives of those on board the train as well. besides, the 5 children should know it is dangerous to play on an active track and they got a price to pay if the train really hit them. another point is to note, there r a total of 5 children, so they are more likely to notice the train coming and run away before dat. whereas for the other 2 children on the other track, maybe they know dat the track is not in used and will never expect the train to come their way, that is why they chose to play over there. this story is to reflect how things can go wrong for always sticking to the rule of majority wins.

next, i feel dat if the turnout is not good, the minority should not making fun out of the majority too. besides, during the decision making session, the minority did not do their part to turn the favour to their side enough. instead, they should work together to change the outcome. :)

+ BL updated @ 5:56 AM


i was at home packing all my stuff because my brother intends to refurnish all the furnitures in our room. as i was packing my toys, alot of fond memories recurred back to my mind. they are really one big pile and i have nearly 200 of them; BB warriors, Gundam Wing, Bomberman and Gundam Seed~!~!

i started collecting them since i was in sec 2 till sec 4 for BB warriors, where i felt dat there are far too many of them for me to collect, but ended up with 100+ of them. they are really short, cute and all comes with big big eyes. BB warriors are divided into 2 main classes, those from the main stories and those from the side stories. those dat are from the main stories are very much nicer and unique. as for side stories, they are exported from gundam and looked pretty weird to me. i remember i combed all the toy shops in orchard rd, from forum to PS and from metro to isetan and from big to small, and got myself lost dere. i even went as far as tampines to look for the missing models dat i lacked to make the story complete. often i got myself mocked by my sec sch frenz becoz i was really too crazy for them. however, they are more than toys to me. they are like my very own creation. thru them, i sorta understand how can things be held together without screw and nails. i also got scolded by my dad for flooding up the whole room with all my model kits, so i have to threw away the boxes. another thing i like most is the colourful comic page dat comes together with the manual dat shows us how to fix it, sadly they are all in japanese. So i can only use my imagination to complete the story, using the pictures and kanji characters(at dat point of time, i regarded them as chinese words...haha...). once i was telling my fren on how great BB warriors was at OG toy department in chinatown, then an auntie mistook me as a promoter for it...haha...so pai sai...in the end, i stopped collecting them because i got no more racks to store them, they all collected alot of dust and there are too many for me to buy.

until poly year 2, i started collecting gundam wing models. i feel dat they are the best among all gundam models, coz the rest r not so nice in appearance. i received 2 gundam model kits dat i dont really like, as my birthday presents. now, they are still into the box with the shrink-warp over it. often i would tell my frenz that those nice model kits were already bought by me, so dat the same thing wun happen again. i tried to paint 1 of them and the project failed.... :( furthermore, it's my favourite one among all gundam model kits, dat is the death gundam.

there are not many nice model kits ard for quite some time except for bomberman, but they are too expensive. i bought one for $20, but they are so small and not valued for too. i can easily complete one within 15-20mins. Unlike gundam, i can enjoy the construction for 1-2hrs. on one lucky day, i visited the bomberman supplier shop at arab street and found them selling at only $3-5 each, hence i invested my almost my 1 month pay and bought 1 of each model. unfortunately, i have only left 2 model(VA-12 and VA-16) to complete the entire series and i dun think anyone can find them on sale in singapore already. for bomberman, i got a total of 31 of them. to my surprise today, i got abt 5 of them still attached to gates and sprue (some polymer technology terms...haha...dun 4get wat diploma dat i'm holding, they are the connectors to hold the framework of pieces together).

then i moved on to gundam seed and so far, i only own 3 (No. 1, 2 and 5...hint hint...:P). No. 5 is still inside the box waiting for me to construct it soon. i was very impressed by the whole injected framework of pieces for this series of model kits. they are able to manufacture a framework of polymers (polystyrene and polycarbonate blend) consists of more than one colour and the precision of each pieces is much better. as a diploma of polymer technology holder, i must really bow to them, maybe my knowledge is still shallow...actually, i tried to work out how it can be done but the process is too long and not very productive too.

model kits is the main reason for me to venture into polymer technology for my diploma and i really got to know much more abt it thru some modules, especially mould design and fabrication, which i got distinction for it. it's quite simple for me becoz i looked at it from the aspect of model kits...haha...i think my luv for model kits will continue till a long time... :)

+ BL updated @ 4:29 AM


Saturday, December 18, 2004
:: Thoughts of the day ::

"true frenz are those dat walks in while the rest of the world walks out." from a Malaysia keychain tag dat 1 of my primary school buddy gave me 13 years ago.

"true frenz come to share and give, the rest are here to take only." - bryan lee, 18 dec 2004

ppl are often driven by objectives, true frenz are those driven by the objectives to benefit u and none/less to them. the rest are those who comes to u to gain something out from u. only when u r left with nothing, this is the moment where ur true frenz will be spotted easily and those who r trying to gain something out from u, will leave u. so sometimes, it's gd to have nothing in life once in a while.

"A same object received from different people, will have different impact to u." - bryan lee, 18 dec 2004

i still remember when i was in primary 4, my class was taken out to sentosa for a day visit. i dropped my wallet by mistake on the mono-rail and i was totally left with no money. at macdonald, a close fren of mine approached me and ask me to share his happy meal with him, as he can only worth 1. well...i was very hungry then, so i accepted his offer feeling quite bad. also in my heart, i felt a great warmth. hence, ever since then we became very gd frenz. until the day, his father, brother and him met a fatal accident and only he survived. after a few months, he came back, isolated himself from almost everyone and we were like total strangers. being young, i really dont know how to make him feel better and chose to have things his way. i did meet him again in poly but as were just like normal friends.

okay...back to the macdonald, our form teacher saw us sharing the food and bought me one happy meal. surprisingly, i failed to feel the same intensed amount of warmth inside me but only a gratitude of appreciation. and this issue been bothering me once in a while, sometimes when i see ppl donating money. then 1 day, i finally got the answer. the value of the happy meal from my fren is like half of his fortune, whereas for my form teacher, the value is merely a little price to him. hence the following statement was made...

"if u get a dollar from a poor man, u gain a valuable treasure. if u get a dollar from a rich man, u gain just a coin." - bryan lee

+ BL updated @ 2:46 AM


today, i went out with a group of 21 ppl and we had a meaningful dinner, becoz it's the birthday celebration of 3 of them. have i yet to see most of them for a couple of months already, even a few dat we have yet to meet for 1 yr plus and some new faces. yes...they are all from my poly cca (spsu), going out with them sorta rekindle back in the gd old days where we would surely meet at clubroom after our lesson. we would play carrom, chit chat and even play planks on each other. then we will wait till the security come to chase us out of the clubroom at 8 pm and we will all migrate to a coffeeshop in clementi to settle our dinner. again, we will stay till 10pm and willing to go home. once we reached home, we will wash up and then log on to mirc to chat again till 2am+. this is the routine dat many of us will follow everyday during term time, dat's y many of them ended up staying in sp for more than 3 years and even to 5 years. i am considered the most blessed one, despite all these activities, i can still survive and make to wat i am in here. often i am considered as the smart one among them but i am also one of the laziest. even till today, i am still rather lazy in my school work. skipping lectures, refused to do tutorial and only study when tests and exams is near.

honestly , i have been telling myself to be hardworking so many times dat i couldnt keep track . however, i am still the same old me again in the end, perharps i have been too easy to myself already. i know i have to put a stop to this and this time i will promise myself dat i will do my best in my studies for my next few semsters to come.

to me, the best grp of frenz are made in spsu of my poly and my dearest OG, Orion. as for uni, my best grp of frenz are afterall OG grp4, ragnaroc. sadly speaking, i have alot of frenz appearing in my life and many r very close to me, but till today i have yet to find one dat i can tell him/her everything. i am blessed with a slightly better memory than many ppl, provided that i activates it and i have been storing all my memories deep within myself. i really wanna find someone dat i can entrust part or even all my valuable memories to. once in a while, a few suitable candidates appeared but after a while, they left too. so if u have receive a story of mine dat i have told no one b4, then maybe u r 1 of the suitable ones. i shall not sigh is always wat i tell myself...all i can do now is to wait...at least, i got sentimental songs to accompany me and instrumental music for me to fill in my story. no matter how bad mood i get, i will surely recover after a nap. if i cant get a nap, i will like to go to high places to see how big the world is and make me feel dat my problem is actually so small to this world. alternatively, i will choose to walk long distances for a couple of hrs and i will too tired to think so much. very often, i will also drink alot of water to wash away my sorrows...if u observe all my healing methods, they actually heals me both physically and mentally: catching a nap helps for my body to recover and recharges my mind.
going to higher grounds will help me to get fresher air and smoothes my soul.
walking long distance will keep my body fit and prevent me to think the wrong things. this also allows me to sleep easier later.
drinking lotsa water helps to clean my body and helps to flush down the tight feeling dat gathered around my chest.

i would say dat if i dun have all these healings methods, i would have given up hope in life. rarely, i would choose a fren to pour everything out and it did happen b4. not dat i dun trust my frenz, but i felt dat all these are rather personal and the best person is to it is myself. if u happened to be such a person where i can pour everything out to, then u must be a special fren to me and i hope dat i can be able to take wat u need to pour out some day.

haha...today is really a great day to me. is really is...though not all my best buddies in spsu turned up...spsu frenz, though i did not meet u all up often but i have not forgetten abt u all. currently, i got a greater duty to accomplish...i will surely take my time out during the holidays... :)

+ BL updated @ 1:53 AM


Friday, December 17, 2004
:: Thoughts of the day ::

wat i hear, i forget.
wat i see, i remember.
wat i learnt, i practice.
wat i do, i understand.
wat i luv, i protect.
wat i have, i treasure.
wat i aim, i pursue. - Bryan Lee, 17 Dec 2004.

stay ur ears away from gossips will help u manage ur human relationship better and trust wat u see.
whateva u learn, make sure u put it in good practice and upon doing, u will understand it better.
Always learn to protect the things/ppl u luv and learn to treasure them while they are still around.
When u aim goals in ur life, keep pursuing it until u achieve it.

+ BL updated @ 7:36 AM


A 3 x 3 tic tac toe(ttt) is often 1 of the games we played when we are young. This is a simple game where we must try to occupy 3 straight boxes before our opponent does. if u sit down for just a few minutes and think about this game, u will find that there are only a couple of "death traps" for a basic 3 x 3 ttt. to save u the trouble, u can just read this blog entry.

typically for all ttt, the 100% sure win move is to form 2, or rarely more than 2, (n-1) intercepting lines (n is equal to the number of boxes on 1 of the side of the board) and the death trap is completed when u place the seed on the intercepting box of the 2 lines. the finishing moves of ttt are T-formation, distorted V-formation, X-formation, +-formation, L-formation, t-formation and distort X-formation(the last 2 are only for n greater than 3). other than that, u would win because ur opponent made a fatal mistake. if u dun understand abt wat do i mean, u can refer to this picture.

the 1st set is a T-formation and the 2nd set is a distorted V-formation.

L-, T- and distorted V-formation
X- and +-formation
t- and distorted X-formation(only for n greater than 3)

the following information is mainly only for a 3 x 3 ttt, maybe i will work on advance ttt later (eg n x n, 3D ttt). 3D ttt is fun, i made a 3D 5 x 5 ttt toy when i was in poly but it was too bulky and not very convenient to bring around. hee...currently, i'm designing a collapsible 3D ttt toy with the help of a fren who owns a workshop of his own.

the opening step of 3 x 3 ttt is very important because this is the point where death traps can be set. So if u r making the 1st step, make sure u set the death trap for ur opponent or beware of the death traps set by ur opponent. by observing a 3 x 3 ttt carefully, there are only 3 different steps to make; the centre box(1), the side boxes(4) and the corner boxes(4).

1) if u mark the corner box (higher recommended!!!), u have set a 75%(6/8) death trap for ur opponent and the finishing move is either a distorted V-formation or a X-formation. by doing so, u will limit ur opponent to 5 possible moves but 3 of 5 are death traps.

- as long as ur opponent did not mark the centre box, ur chances of winning is very high. even if he marks the centre box, then i would recommend u to mark the corner box at the other end, praying that u can still form a L-formation.
-the last possible move will be s/he marking the only corner box, that is on the other end with respect to ur box. u must mark the centre box to set a 66.6%(4/6) death trap, other moves will likely result in a draw game. Again, u will be limiting ur opponent to 3 possible moves; the side box beside his/her corner box(2 in total), the side box away from his/her corner box(2 in total) and the corner box(2 in total). if s/he picks the corner box, dat's it. this is be a draw game. if the corner box is taken, use either a T-formation or distorted V-formation to win this game.

- if the side box nearest to ur corner box is marked by ur opponent(there are 2 of them), u can either use a T-formation or X-formation move. to use the T-formation, u will have to mark centre box and s/he will try to block u. next, mark the intercepting box and u will win. for X-formation, mark the corner box that is beside the other unmarked side box next to ur corner box and ur opponent will guai guai take the other side box in between ur 2 corner boxes. then, u will mark the centre box to form a X-formation death trap.
- if ur opponent marks the corner box that is nearer to urs (there are 2 of them also), u can only need to use the L-formation to win. ur next move must be the corner box nearest to ur opponents box, then s/he will mark the centre box to block u. next, u will mark the last corner box to block him/her and also, complete ur L-formation.
- if ur opponent marks the side box further away from ur corner box (also 2 of them available), there will can only use the X-formation move to win this round. u need to mark the corner box furthest away from ur opponents box, then s/he will automatically mark the side box to block u. ur next move will be completing ur X-formation, by marking the centre box.

2) if u mark the centre box, u have set a 50%(4/8) death trap to ur opponent and ur killing move will be a T-formation. by marking the centre box, u limit ur oppenent to 2 poosible moves; either the side or corner box.
- if s/he marks the side box, it's time for a smile to appear on ur face, because s/he has fallen into ur death trap. Next, plant ur circle at either 1 of the corner box beside ur opponent's box and s/he will try to block u by marking the corner box. lastly, it's time to mark the intercepting box to form a T-formation killing move.
- if s/he marks the corner box, s/he will be out of ur trap and this game will very likely to be a draw or u can still try a T-formation move.

3) if u mark the side box, haha...u have form no 0% deathtrap and the probability of draw is very high. however, if ur opponent is careless, u will still for a +-formation or T-formation killing move.

Lastly, if u see someone is able to counter all the death traps after a few games. Then very likely that person is an expert in ttt or read this blog entry b4...haha...

Patterns of ttt.
i have sort out the possible starting moves for a couple of 2D ttt and found a standard pattern.
n = possible starting moves
1 & 2 = 1
3 &amp; 4 = 3
5 & 6 = 6
7 & 8 = 10
9 & 10 = 15

u can see that the number of possible starting move is always 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+........+n. haha...i'm lazy to sort out the formula, maybe u can help me...haha...or i will put it up in advance ttt entry...meanwhile, just wait hor...

+ BL updated @ 3:19 AM


Thursday, December 16, 2004
:: Thoughts of the day ::

Love can do miracles but also disasters. love can shoot a person high up to the sky and even touches the moon, but it is often not there to catch u when u fall back to earth.

+ BL updated @ 5:45 AM


ever since life starts roaming ard on this land, lots and lots of problems grow together with it. Some problems dat are minor to us could be the poison to another. each human are catering to solve only to certain types of problem in life. Depending on the situation we are exposed to, only those who can solve it better will out shine the rest. Or even to extreme cases, survive while the rest perish. our life is revolved between ourselves and our surroundings. for ourselves, we r often bothered by the choices to make everyday. for others, it depends in how we treat others and others to us.

in this current society we live in today, we are exposed to so many options in life. often we r easily tempted, made the wrong choice and regret later. to view life from a negative side, i always tell myself dat life is full of regret becoz humans are always not content and happy with wat they have. we often only see things as wat we feel, while neglecting the thoughts of others or the hidden terms. example in singapore, cars are very expensive and hardly many below the age of 25 can own their own cars. for those who dun will always admire upon those who have cars. but but but...have u have thought of how much hard work dat person did to get the car, have u seen dat person worrying abt where to park the car, every month crying over the parking and petroleum charges, every weekend have to wash the car, a little scratch in the car is like a deep cut to the heart or how depressing the owner will get if the car had an accident. not dat i'm digging on the misfortunate of others, i have really seen all these things happened to my frenz b4. as for the gd side, cars indeed more convenient to a limited extend and catch the attention of ur friends better. However, the negative side outweighs the positive side many folds more. this is the main reason why i didnt go and take my driving test till today. in other words, i know dat i am not ready to handle all these problems by myself yet. this case is just a very typical example of humans dat only see the gd side of the things dat r yet to achieve and not long after they got wat they want, they just regret. no doubt dat we can pick up driving as a skill, but if we r not intending to get a car so soon, this skill will be forgotten by the time we get the car. skills dat we learnt are only useful when we know how to apply it and use it often. my opinion for such option in life is just spare more thoughts for it 1st before making ur choice, be aware of the strings attached to it and do not regret when u made up ur mind. this way, life will be happier. when we make investment, make sure than we are not paying to too many things at the same time and ended up losing everything. if best, make investment dat will benefit us on the long run(a gd bed and a gd sofa set), while avoid bottomless hole investment(eg: a car). for some of u may wonder how come a gd sofa set is a gd investment, u can ask those married man. As they are the best ppl to understand this when they got chased out of the room by the wivies.

next, among inter-personal relationships, the most common one is ppl always wants things to be done their way without sparing a thought for others. i believe all of us encountered this b4 to us and even from us to others. we always like to give comments to others but without providing reasons and useful solutions to them. comments without solution may lead to problems to the listener. i encountered someone (note dat i used someone instead of another word dat i always use) who always like to give comments to others but seldom will provide useful suggestions to them. His comments are "i dun like it", " not nice", "TOO long" etc. As soon as u ask why and then how, his reply will be i dont know and dat's not my problem. i feel dat if u are not sincere enough to help in the 1st place, then dont get urself involve at all. and pls do not misunderstood this with not able to help much or at all, sometimes it's the thought counts. to me, this person is just acting like a misbehave child and trying to catch some attention. so pls do not be such a person. if u wish to be cared by others, then u got to start with urself to others. Another example can be found happening everyday at MRT stations, i dun understand why ppl are so eager to enter the station even though they know they are not going to miss the train and they know that the seats are all taken. if everyone in this world are slightly more considerate to others, life will be happier.

Oops~! i guess i wrote long enough but it seems dat i still got so much to say. haha...if this mail is enough just to make an inconsiderate person to wake up his/her senses, i'll be very glad already. ha...actually, i'm not a 100% considerate person yet but i'm been working on it since many yrs back.

Dun sigh, it waste a second of ur life... :)

+ BL updated @ 4:09 AM


Wednesday, December 15, 2004
:: New timetable for next semster ::

I was planning my timetable for next semster now and my 3 core modules are so nice that they spread throughout 5 days over the week. There are a total of 3 8am lectures and 1 that ends at 8pm. The best thing is their exam dates are very close to each other. Furthermore, there's an elective that i'm longing to take and guess what? If i take it, i will have 4 straight days of papers. My goodness...how how how...

+ BL updated @ 10:38 PM


If u wanna listen to a person heart, listen to the song he/she sings...

+ BL updated @ 7:00 AM


Year 2004 is abt to end...lemme see...wat have i done to make me proud of myself...
in sch, i didnt do so well as before and lack the determination as before...overall, i'm still glad that i survived.

in relationship, juz 1 word...sighz...Ooops~! i promised myself not so sigh so much...haha...

in self-improvement, haha...this is the best part...i learnt more abt japanese & computer programs. else, this blog wun exist...in the next yr...i'll surely upgrade more skills...maybe song writing...haha...guess i'm a typical gemini, a jack of all trades but a master of none...

in family bonding, i guess i neglect them the most, as i spend too much time for myself...i can hide inside my hostel for 2 week without going anywhere...guess i'm customised to being alone already...as 1 of my fren always like to tease me abt...no social life...

inner nature, i still strongly believe self-cultivation and balance all emotions within myself...keeping the negative emotions to the least while happiness to the most...

cca, i'm still glad as a whole...but i will surely cut my involvement down to none by next mid-year.

diet, still eating the food that comes to my mind 1st...haha...1L of HL milk per day is still part of my daily dosage...guess i'm of the lucky ones that dun need to worry that my weight shooting up too high...rather, i'm more concern of it going down...i also begin to ask for more vegetable and try to eat more fruits...

health, still considered as healthy, except when i eat the wrong things...drank an expired milk by mistake and got sick for a few days...drank dirty sugarcane and got food poisoning for 3 days...getting more and more sprain...dat's is part and parcel of getting old...still i am prepared to get high pressure, coz all my family members r suffering from it...the best way is to stay happy everyday...

style, haa....all my poly frenz who met me will say the same thing...u r still the same...

finance, without part-time jobs...so u should know the answer...haa...the only source for me to save money is from my pocket money, but i often spend my savings on good food....BUFFET~!~! haha....see still the same old bryan who likes buffet...

cooking, i failed to learn and innovate my own new dishes this yr...haha...so still the same old recipes...think i will have my chance once i move back home next yr.

model kits, oh my...i still got 1 model kit with the shrink wrap over it...haha...

poems, haha...i wrote 30 over new poems sure to give u guys goosebumps...

puzzles, this area is like frozen...i didnt buy any new toys to train my brain...or tried to come out with standard formula to solve puzzle....my greatest achievements in this area is 100% sure win mastermind, playing tic tac toe with greater advantage and solving Haoi tower in the least steps.

tricks & jokes, still the standard few up my sleeves and impress my new frenz with all the tricks in my mind. How many tricks & jokes does bryan has up his head is still a mystery to my frenz...haha...

+ BL updated @ 3:16 AM


Finally, after a long struggle....the blog functions well.... :) My current blog tells a story, see if u guys can get what is the story is abt and confirm with me... :) Lemme give a hint: the ger, the boy, the poem and the song.

+ BL updated @ 3:06 AM



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