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Thursday, April 28, 2005
:: Closed shave ::

Woo...cleared 2 papers, 2 more to go...2 days are left also...

i was kinda unlucky this morning, the bus left rite at the moment i arrived at the terminal. hence, i decided to walk to my examination venue instead. as i reached the designated block and lvl, according to the slip of paper that i kept inside my wallet, i was greeted by a series of locked doors and could not find any Seminar Room 4(SR4) at all. my heart started to panic as i only got 10 minutes left before my paper commence. at this moment, my eyes are hunting for any familiar faces dat i can catch, while my hands are pressing on my hp to call any classmates in my directory. unfortunately, all efforts are useless. then i thought of the possibility dat i could haf got the venue wrong, hence i went to the nearest practical lab, to look for my favourite lab tech who always take good care of me during my last year lab sessions. to my further to disappointment, she is not ard and i seeked help from a lab tech who i never seen before. she was very helpful enough to let me access to the internet terminal inside her office. even though the login process is the same as usual, but it seems to be the longest as i know i am really runing out of time. i gave a breathe of relief when i verified dat i didnt made any mistakes in the venue. the kind lab tech proposed to seek assistance from the department of chemistry dat is just a lvl above the lab, so and we went. on our way, i thought she was really nice enough to escort me to the office, coz normally many ppl juz wun bother. okay...back to the story, i was very much at ease when the lady at the counter was aware of where the SR4 was and asked me to follow her. she ran out of the office to the nearest stairs and pointed at a small block right behind the office. for a moment, i felt dat i was like playing amazing race in nus, hunting my pit stop.

ending my conservation with her for a few words, i quickly ran to the small block and found alot of familiar faces inside....wat a relief...& guess wat...i saw my favourite lab tech inside too. being late for 5mins, i quickly settle down and setup my formation of notes and stationaries, while my eyes are locked on to the exam questions. the more i read the question, the more lost i became...my goodness the questions are quite open-ended and not a typical science paper at all. even for someone who studied polymer since 1998, this paper can be a killer too...i could not haf imagine how the rest of my classmates are able to do it also. seems dat my thoughts at dat moment have wandered off, i closed my eyes and drank some water to suppress the series of shocks i received since 15 minutes ago. well, i tried my best to produce as much logical explaination as possible to answer the questions. hopefully, it would turn out fine....

lesson learnt from today: if your exam venue is not any hall or LT, be dere at least 20-25mins before the paper.

+ BL updated @ 4:41 PM


曲:光良 词:光良
忘了有多久 再没听到你对我说你最爱的故事
我想了很久 我开始慌了 是不是我又做错了什么
你哭着对我说 童话里都是骗人的 我不可能是你的王子
也许你不会懂 从你说爱我以后 我的天空 星星都亮了
我愿变成童话里 你爱的那个天使 张开双手变成翅膀守护你
你要相信 相信我们会像童话故事里 幸福和快乐是结局
我要变成童话里 你爱的那个天使 张开双手变成翅膀守护你
你要相信 相信我们会像童话故事里 幸福和快乐是结局
我会变成童话里 你爱的那个天使 张开双手变成翅膀守护你
你要相信 相信我们会像童话故事里 幸福和快乐是结局

+ BL updated @ 12:17 AM


Monday, April 04, 2005
:: Something sad... ::

"Every night he could only use his tears to warm his face, his soul and his sorrows. Even heaven is making fun of him, dropping snowflakes onto his eyes, taking his last bit of warm away."

"Every night he slept with his lights on, as he has lost the light within his soul. Darkness engulfed his world, keeping him away from all his friends."

+ BL updated @ 10:06 PM


Why do we always hurt the ones dat luv us the most?

Why do we always luv those dat will not luv us?

Why do we always neglect the luv dat we got, while going after luv dat we haf yet to obtain?

The luv u crave for, may not be the one dat u will get...

Luv is a blessing when it respond to you, but it can be a curse if it dont...

The one who falls in luv more, will get hurt more in the end...
The one who stays in a luv trap longer, will also get hurt more...
Cruelty is the only key out of a luv trap...

When luv is around, we failed to cherish. When luv is gone, we can only regret.

Ppl dun care how much you luv them, they are more concern with how much you make them feel.

The rite kind of luv given to us, is not for us to feel bad. It should make us feel good.

The person that you want, will lose its value when u got them.
The person that you need, will gain more value when u got them or lose them.
However, ppl are always willing to pay for more price for the person they want.

- Compilation of thoughts for luv...

+ BL updated @ 2:35 PM


Saturday, April 02, 2005
:: Puzzles of the day ::

Ha...din expect to post my 1st one here so soon...but anyway, i'll only post the question part 1st and at least 7 days later, i'll post the answer by editing this entry....

Given with 2 mosquitos coils, each can be burned for exactly for 1hr. how can you make used of both coils to burn exactly for:
Level 1: 90 minutes
Level 2: 45 minutes
Level 3: 75 minutes

Answers will be posted later...happy solving...

+ BL updated @ 12:33 AM


till today, puzzles, tricks and riddles never fail to amaze me or to catch my attention. i guess it started when i was young, my mum introduced rubic cube to me. oh boy...my mum was really gd at solving it. i haf to admit till today i can only solve the 1st two layers of the cube but yet to solve for the 3rd layer. preharp i should spend some time solving it after my exams... :)

i can still remember the 1st puzzle dat i solved was the horse shoe metal entanglement, it was a toy dat belongs to my 3rd uncle from my mum side. then i started collecting puzzles and now, i kept most of them inside a wooden box and i named it, pandora box. :) coz it would never fail to create headaches to my frenz each time i opened it. as for those puzzles and riddles dat have no physical form, i kept them inside my brain. once in a while, i would extract them out to entertain my frenz...

today i had fun exchanging puzzles and riddles with my csc frenz at nus mac. it seem dat i should keep a copy of all of it dat i know in here. therefore, soon i'll post as many of them as i can remember in here under "Puzzle of the day" soon. of coz, the answers will be provided too...so meanwhile, stay tuned in here...

+ BL updated @ 12:14 AM



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